Advertising Photography & Video
We are able to create clean, professional and vibrant images of your product for all your advertising needs.
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Corporate Photography & Video
Capture your people, your products, services in their best light
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Architectural Photography & Video
Buildings are a work of art and we know how to highlight its best angles.
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Photographic Archival Recording
Capturing our historical built environment, in full detail, before it disappears forever.
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Time Lapse Video
Working on a construction project and want to capture every detail? We can create a full time lapse of every stage of production.
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Welcome to Evolving Picture

Professional Photography

Evolving Picture is a photography and video production company founded by Chris Bennett. Chris has been a professional photographer since 1991, working in the areas of advertising, corporate, architecture, industry, science and education. Photography was the mainstay of Chris’s work for the first fifteen years. Times change and a moving picture has just as strong a place as a still one when it comes to getting noticed.












High Quality Video Production

Evolving Picture recognises this and has grown into the role of providing both photography and video services to our clients, at a high standard, whilst still keeping in touch with the budget constraints that companies must work with to stay competitive in a tough global environment. We are dedicated to providing the best possible image to promote your business. We work with businesses of all sizes, from small family ones to multinationals.

Contact us anytime

You can email Chris directly at , fill out our contact form below or get in touch through social media.

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